This is a touchy subject for some...death and do you get cremated or buried...I favor the burial route. But this is not a blog about the differences between cremation or burial. It is a story about the funeral home starting on fire today...Well on my way home sometimes you can see the local funeral homes smoke stack billowing away, when their smoke stack billows you know what is going on. Cremation or they are warming up the oven, getting ready to cremate. On a normal day it looks like the above picture, just a small puff of smoke, nothing seriously billowing out of it. Just a normal chimney puff of smoke...nothing unusual or different than any neighborhood smoke stack. I was driving home today and saw some smoke in the air. I figured there was nothing serious going on, probably coming from the funeral home...but the problem was I was nearly four or five blocks away and the smoke was really thick, black and filling the air...As I neared closer and closer I could hear the sirens. I was suddenly halted on the road by a fireruck and an ambulance whizzing past me. Now I am a curious person...I knew the firetrucks were headed to the billowing cloud of black...But what could be on fire?

The funeral homes smoke stack was on fire...literally! (note:above picture is not actual photo from todays events but merely my portrayal of todays events.)( I did not have my camera handy when I saw the cloud of billowing black smoke or the firetruck.) I could not believe how tall and how thick the smoke was, it was a thick black dense cloud of smoke with flames of red and orange shooting up from the smoke stack. The firemen hustled around the funeral home running around and within twenty minutes it was all under control. (I know it was twenty minutes because I drove past it again later) But I never had seen such thick black smoke and shooting flames coming from a chimney before. It left me to wonder, How often do funeral homes catch on fire??
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