Thursday, April 1, 2010

Is this your puppy?

He sure is cute....but he doesn't belong to me.
He sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and sat there some more.....

Seriously he sat there, so I decided that I could take some pictures of the little fellow. And he just looked at me. No interest whatsoever, just this look of bewilderment.
I did name decide to call him Oscar...but he didn't respond to that name when I called him it. So I tried a few more names like Dixon, Wilburt, Izzie, success with any of the names I tried.
He had no tags, he was a stray dog. I came home from lunch with my mom to find my front step invaded by a little small puppy. I love dogs, I would love to have a dog. But at this point and time in my life, I have no time and it would not be fair to keep the little guy or any dog for that matter. I myself would prefer something tiny, little this little fellow. I have had big dogs before and they are definitely not for me. They take up too much space.
Anyways back to my story. I came home from lunch with my mom, he was wedged right next to my door jam, allowing little room for me to enter my house. I tried to shoo him away but he just squeaked and tried to growl at me. Not much came out of his mouth except a little yip and yap. He moved himself over. (next to the pillar in the picture). It was a somewhat warm day so he ploped down in the shade and watched me as i entered my house, shutting the door behind me.
I tried to go about my house doing things and all I could hear was this tiny squeaky puppy whining outside my front door. I felt bad for him. I would have to go to work soon and him being as small as he is, I could not just let him wander the neighborhood by himself. We have some neighbors with some big huge dogs (bulldogs). So I decided if he was going to take up residence on my front step, I would help him.
I called Animal control. I felt bad I couldn't keep him but something needed to be done. I went outside to see if he was still there and he was because I could hear him through the door. I grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures of him.
I went back in the house and opened the blinds in the window to keep an eye on the little dog. Animal control was prompt and the officer was friendly. I helped him wrangle the little dog to be taken somewhere safe for the time being.
So if this is your dog, I apologize but you should be more responsible with what you do with your puppy because I found him outside my door and there are quite the list of hefty fines you face...but that is another post for another day...

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