I found this picture and laughed...If only being an architect were that simple...attach glasses and wa-lah your an architect! I was thinking the other day if I were not in my choosen profession (nursing that is) what would I be? And every time I think about it, I come back to being an architect. I love house designs, I love layouts and floorplans. I love thinking of how can you improve a house to make it more functional or more liveable. If you move this room here or this room there, slight improvements make a world of difference. I love the outside of buildings, the architecture of old cathedrals and castles. I love the lines and the symmetry, and sometimes even if a building is asymmetrical. Being unsymmetrical is unique in its own way. It is something that has always interested me but I am not good at math, and physics or calculus...so my dream of being an architect is just that, a dream. So that brings me to my next career choice...

If I were not in my choosen field (nursing that is), I would be an interior decorator. (The above house is just an example of an inside of a house). The colors you choose in a house are important, they invite people in, they reflect a bit of your personality, who you are. Are you bold like red or subtle like grey? Do you like to be comfortable like browns or creative like blues and greens? Color is one part of the whole package. You have the decorating aspect. What can be put onto a wall? What kind of furniture would accent your homes design? Do you go modern or traditional? Cottage country or futuristic? Is the space small or big? What would make a small room look bigger and vice versa. The interior of a home tells alot about the person living in the home and their tastes. I like taking a room and creating it into something. But again its just another thought...I have choosen my path in life and have options to branch out into. My other careers will have to wait and just be a thought for now.
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