Today I met Patient Susie (*not her real name). A vibrant wonderful lady who was an ex-nurse. She seemed like outside of the hospital and illness she would be a busy woman with lot's to do. Susie* was worried about being in the hospital and away from her family. I gathered she was the care giver in the family as seeing she was an ex nurse and nurses are caring, and nurturing. So with patients like Susie* I like to ensure they are comfortable, taken care of...mostly try to distract them so they don't think about things going on at home and can care for themselves to get themselves back to proper health. So I talked with Susie* tried to calm her nerves a little bit and get her settled into her room.
Our conversation went as follows:
Susie* - It's so nice to have such a bright young woman as a nurse.
Me- Why thank-you.
Susie*- Your smile is wonderful and encouraging
Me- Well we just want to ensure you have the best care possible.
Susie*- You have a glow
Me- Oh really?
Susie*- When are you due?
Me- (my jaw is wide open at this point...)
Me- (finding the words to say)
Me- I am not expecting
Susie*-your not expecting? I just thought you had such a glow, a pregnant woman glows like you are.
Me- Trust me, I am not expecting, just a little extra weight.
Susie*- Oh......
The conversation ended, another nurse walked in and I beelined it for the door. Guess my caring personality misled my patient to believe I was expecting because I am a happy nurse, I like to smile. A smile in my opinion brings warmth and forges a type of patient/nurse friendship that is trusting....guess I need to stop smiling so much so my patients don't mistake it for a "pregnancy glow" next time....
Luckily a few of us had a good chuckle out it and compared other stories from other nurses who experiences similar to mine with patients.
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