I am curious as to whether or not other people read this blog. Are my family and friends the only ones? I know sometimes my posts are uncreative and boring. But that is what a blog is, a place to spread thoughts and ideas or just useless banter.
After a long day I like to sit and write, even if it is about some useless fact or about a sign I found in the bathroom. I like to keep people laughing or to be put into deep thought about some random fact I discovered and decided to write about.
So I was reading some blogs. I won't go into too much detail, as I am sure their blogs were intended for family connecting. But it's amazing how much information people are willing to put out onto the internet. Pictures of their homes, the cars they drive, pictures of their children. Pictures of their wedding days, or their times out as families. How much information can you put on a blog?
I guess too it depends on the purpose of your blog. Most blogs I am sure are for family connecting. Others are to babble, like mine...I like to talk...I like to write. I like to write, even if it is about something pointless.
I found it funny with the links some of them put on their side bars such as : Moms blog, Dads blog, sister in laws blog, sisters blog, nephews blog. There is a whole world of blogging families. I have yet though to find one linking to "grandma's blog". Do "grandma's blogs" exist? It seems blogs connected to bloggers mainly seem to stay within their own generation and their parents generation.
So I suggest if you have not, to find some new blogs and follow them or read them. There are some interesting bloggers out there. I have a few that are on my favorites list....mostly because they update almost everyday, but it's intersting to see other peoples lives. What is going on in family circles or what types of crafts people are into with their etsy shops. Yes I said it, etsy shop. It seems to be another common thread between bloggers. They blog about products or items they make or purchase and then sell online to make money in their etsy shops. Very interesting...but saving that topic for another day.
Well that is all I have to rant about for now, till next time....check out some blogs!
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