Friday, April 30, 2010
Complete Randomness today....
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cute Conversations that shouldn't be had...

Today I met Patient Susie (*not her real name). A vibrant wonderful lady who was an ex-nurse. She seemed like outside of the hospital and illness she would be a busy woman with lot's to do. Susie* was worried about being in the hospital and away from her family. I gathered she was the care giver in the family as seeing she was an ex nurse and nurses are caring, and nurturing. So with patients like Susie* I like to ensure they are comfortable, taken care of...mostly try to distract them so they don't think about things going on at home and can care for themselves to get themselves back to proper health. So I talked with Susie* tried to calm her nerves a little bit and get her settled into her room.
Our conversation went as follows:
Susie* - It's so nice to have such a bright young woman as a nurse.
Me- Why thank-you.
Susie*- Your smile is wonderful and encouraging
Me- Well we just want to ensure you have the best care possible.
Susie*- You have a glow
Me- Oh really?
Susie*- When are you due?
Me- (my jaw is wide open at this point...)
Me- (finding the words to say)
Me- I am not expecting
Susie*-your not expecting? I just thought you had such a glow, a pregnant woman glows like you are.
Me- Trust me, I am not expecting, just a little extra weight.
Susie*- Oh......
The conversation ended, another nurse walked in and I beelined it for the door. Guess my caring personality misled my patient to believe I was expecting because I am a happy nurse, I like to smile. A smile in my opinion brings warmth and forges a type of patient/nurse friendship that is trusting....guess I need to stop smiling so much so my patients don't mistake it for a "pregnancy glow" next time....
Luckily a few of us had a good chuckle out it and compared other stories from other nurses who experiences similar to mine with patients.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The elephant and the mouse.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Totally true story....

Monday, April 26, 2010
My day...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Blog is still alive.
My blog is still alive, just a post will have to wait another day...too tired to post right now and I don't have anything to post about. We'll see what tomorrow has to bring, I feel like I have things to do but cannot think about them right now...honestly I don't know what I have to do tomorrow, so we shall wait and see what comes you'll have to wait too until tomorrow because tomorrow is another day and I am too tired....
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Its warm out....
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dear Peru,
This post was a little long but it was just a few memories of my time in Peru...and a few little pictures of those memories.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Its been a few days...what to post today...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hybrid vehicles.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010
Starbucks you have broken my heart...
There are three types of tea-green tea, oolong tea and black tea. I use to drink earl grey tea but found that had way too much caffeine in it and it would keep me awake for hours on end. So I switched to green tea. I have to admit I have never tried oolong tea and have really no idea what it is. But Green tea has a nice taste to it if correctly made. Well I got to starbucks, ordered my venti green tea and drove off with cup in hand. I didn't have time to stop and taste it, it was burning hot and so I waited a bit for it too cool down. Well I tasted it and it didn't taste quite right. It was not the sweet green tea taste that I was use too, instead it seemed a bit fruity and was a bit on the bitter side and it honestly did smell horrid. So I opened up the cup to see if it was a joke and I discovered this:

You may ask why I choose to drink green tea. Well it can reduce your systolic and diastolic blood pressure, reduce your fasting cholesterol, body fat and body weight. It is a more potent antioxidant that black tea or oolong tea is. The green tea is steamed, baked, or pan heated to prevent oxidation and the leaves remain green giving it an antioxidant effect. Green tea unless specified does contain caffeine but the number of times you use the leaves can reduce the caffeine found in it. Too much caffeine can cause frequent urination, nausea and insomnia.
So there, you have now learned why starbucks broke my heart today...but I will return because I love their coffee and green teas on a good day. Plus you have learned a little bit about green teas and their effects on the body.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Exploration of the world of blogs.

I am curious as to whether or not other people read this blog. Are my family and friends the only ones? I know sometimes my posts are uncreative and boring. But that is what a blog is, a place to spread thoughts and ideas or just useless banter.
After a long day I like to sit and write, even if it is about some useless fact or about a sign I found in the bathroom. I like to keep people laughing or to be put into deep thought about some random fact I discovered and decided to write about.
So I was reading some blogs. I won't go into too much detail, as I am sure their blogs were intended for family connecting. But it's amazing how much information people are willing to put out onto the internet. Pictures of their homes, the cars they drive, pictures of their children. Pictures of their wedding days, or their times out as families. How much information can you put on a blog?
I guess too it depends on the purpose of your blog. Most blogs I am sure are for family connecting. Others are to babble, like mine...I like to talk...I like to write. I like to write, even if it is about something pointless.
I found it funny with the links some of them put on their side bars such as : Moms blog, Dads blog, sister in laws blog, sisters blog, nephews blog. There is a whole world of blogging families. I have yet though to find one linking to "grandma's blog". Do "grandma's blogs" exist? It seems blogs connected to bloggers mainly seem to stay within their own generation and their parents generation.
So I suggest if you have not, to find some new blogs and follow them or read them. There are some interesting bloggers out there. I have a few that are on my favorites list....mostly because they update almost everyday, but it's intersting to see other peoples lives. What is going on in family circles or what types of crafts people are into with their etsy shops. Yes I said it, etsy shop. It seems to be another common thread between bloggers. They blog about products or items they make or purchase and then sell online to make money in their etsy shops. Very interesting...but saving that topic for another day.
Well that is all I have to rant about for now, till next time....check out some blogs!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Forgotten picture...It makes me laugh!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wind storms.
It is so impossibly windy out here, this is day four or five of this terrible wind storm. I've had enough of the wind but it looks like when the wind goes away its going to get cold and rainy or snowy...some little mixture like that. You can live around this wind, but you never really get use to it ever.
Its April, I could handle the so called "april showers" but snow? I've had enough snow, this winter has been remarkably long and it's time to settle down and bring us some sunshine. Bring us our may flowers.
By the way- the cake tasted wonderful, I will have to bake another again soon...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We eat Cake!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
New boots...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Attempt to be artsy.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Is this your puppy?
I did name decide to call him Oscar...but he didn't respond to that name when I called him it. So I tried a few more names like Dixon, Wilburt, Izzie, success with any of the names I tried.
He had no tags, he was a stray dog. I came home from lunch with my mom to find my front step invaded by a little small puppy. I love dogs, I would love to have a dog. But at this point and time in my life, I have no time and it would not be fair to keep the little guy or any dog for that matter. I myself would prefer something tiny, little this little fellow. I have had big dogs before and they are definitely not for me. They take up too much space.
Anyways back to my story. I came home from lunch with my mom, he was wedged right next to my door jam, allowing little room for me to enter my house. I tried to shoo him away but he just squeaked and tried to growl at me. Not much came out of his mouth except a little yip and yap. He moved himself over. (next to the pillar in the picture). It was a somewhat warm day so he ploped down in the shade and watched me as i entered my house, shutting the door behind me.
I tried to go about my house doing things and all I could hear was this tiny squeaky puppy whining outside my front door. I felt bad for him. I would have to go to work soon and him being as small as he is, I could not just let him wander the neighborhood by himself. We have some neighbors with some big huge dogs (bulldogs). So I decided if he was going to take up residence on my front step, I would help him.
I called Animal control. I felt bad I couldn't keep him but something needed to be done. I went outside to see if he was still there and he was because I could hear him through the door. I grabbed my camera and snapped some pictures of him.
I went back in the house and opened the blinds in the window to keep an eye on the little dog. Animal control was prompt and the officer was friendly. I helped him wrangle the little dog to be taken somewhere safe for the time being.
So if this is your dog, I apologize but you should be more responsible with what you do with your puppy because I found him outside my door and there are quite the list of hefty fines you face...but that is another post for another day...
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