Sunday, November 25, 2007

A few days later...

So I won't write about my sphere lab experience because we did not get to go into it this last week. We were scheduled wrong, so our date with the creepy robot dude is on hold until next Thursday....can hardly wait...

We spent the lab catheterizing, changing dressings and shortening pen rose drains all in preparation for the finals. The finals can quite possibly be the worst, most nerve wracking life experiences in your time during nursing school.

Especially the LAB FINALS-->You pick out of a hat what you are going to do then you are put into a little room behind the curtain, with an instructor just staring at what you are doing, marking you. They don't speak, they don't maintain eye contact, they make the occassional noise to clear their throat or breathe in deeply, but they write....and they write....and they write...but you don't know what they are writing down on that paper.

So then every sense in your mind just starts to wander, you can't remember what you are doing, your pulse and heart rate increase through the roof, your blood pressure begins to boil and the room starts to spin and you start to sweat and confusion sets in....then you think your done but your not actually sure of what happened over the last half hour during your lab exam. You just walk out of the room, hoping you didn't forget the important points and that you did your job well. And asking if you passed or failed is out of the question because they won't tell you that either. You just wait for your marks to posted and what a horrible wait that can be.

So that is where my focus is at, the last 3 clinical evening shifts, and the last two days of school this week and then next week my two final days. Four exams in two days- should be fun. But then in the end we have a month off at christmas and what a wonderful time it will be. Just rest and relaxation until January when a whole new set of classes and schedules begin.

Anyways off to research my four patients for tomorrow....hopefully I won't drown and be buried with the work that is at hand. Organization is something I still need to master.

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