Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Shortbread cookies...
But they sure are a delicious christmas treat. This is the only time of year I eat them, otherwise it just seems wrong.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Feeling Grinchy...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Off my list...
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Upside Down Christmas Tree.

The real history behind the upside down christmas tree remains quite vague, very little information is known about it.
The trend of hanging the upside down christmas tree has changed, the point of the fir tree pointing up to heaven . Many people believe that an upside down christmas tree is a sign of contempt.
Upside down christmas trees were popular for a short time and were originally just used as ,a marketing gimmick. It enabled customers to pick ornaments off easier and more conviently.
One other note on christmas trees while we're on the subject:
Christmas trees were not to be brought out and decorated until Christmas Eve (dec. 24th), rather than the first day of christmas (dec. 23rd). They are then to be removed after the 12th night which would be January 6th. To have your tree up before or after these dates was considered bad luck...just a thought for you :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Amish Christmas
December 25th is for scripture reading, meditating and fasting and other religious activities. They reflect on the birth of Christ.
December 26th is for celebrating with family and friends. Having gatherings with friends and families, eating feasts or large meals and they actually do give gifts.
They do not believe or portray santa clause in their celebrations
Some do decorate a tree with candles, some write christmas cards.
Some do not.
Some Amish families exchange gifts by drawing names out of hats and exchanging one gift per person. The gifts they exchange are usually handmade or for use outside.
Younger Amish children recieve toys while older amish children recieve either something for a hope chest (if your a girl) or tools useful for the farm (if your a boy)
A few interesting facts for now....
Friday, November 19, 2010
I promise the blog is not dead!
But For now disneyworld is where we went and it was fun. Exploring the parks, lounging by the pool. Enjoying the heat, I got a pretty sweet tan...only to return home to the city covered in snow, highways whited out by snow blowing freely across the countryside...and home to shovel this snow. I should have stayed at Disneyworld Longer...maybe avoided winter all together.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Google told me so....

- born in lennep in rhenish prussia
- an only child of a merchant and manufacturer of cloth
- considered the father of diagnostic radiation
- First Nobel prize in physics in 1901.
- married to anna bertha ludwig
- had one child a daughter who they adopted at the age of six, it was his wife's brothers child
- the japanese word for xray is rentogen
- in turkey it is roentgen
- in lithuanian its rentgeno
- He died on february 10, 1923 from carcinoma of the intestine (cancer)
- Upon his death all his personal and scientific correspondence was destroyed in keeping with his will.
So hopefully you have learned a little bit of information regarding the founding father of is rather interesting I think.
Happy xray day everyone!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Filed a complaint....
We got to the window and I handed the drive through clerk my money. She got busy and didn't give me my change. She handed my meal and I asked her what was in the was the wrong meal. So I handed it back to her and she got the right meal. I kept asking her, do you have my change? Do you have my change? She handed me the right meal and told me "your change is in the bottom of the bag." I looked at her and said "Are you for real? Why would you put my change in my food bag?" "That's just gross!" She apologized profusely and I drove off furious and angry. I figured there was no reason to tell the manager of the resteraunt but to go above to greater authority. So I went online and filed my complaint with the head company and also dialed the complaint line, only to be put on hold for awhile, so I hung up. But be warned the complaint went up and beyond to the head of this chicken joint....we'll see what comes of this complaint...I am curious because i did write quite a lengthy letter to them...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Lost: One farmer in the city...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Eat some pie...
I am working a stretch of shifts of right now, so once the weekend is over I should have more to write about and more time to please if you do read my blog, stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Would you like to find.....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
String Gel...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Some time in the country....
Spent some time out in the country and wandered through the was fun...I did take pictures in the corn field and wheat field for fun. It was nice to take a drive through the country and see what's going on outside the city.
Friday, August 20, 2010
moulding paste....
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The blog is alive....
I just completed it yesterday, experimenting with different mediums. I used a glass bead medium for the background to give it the sand effect. And for the flowers I used a moulding medium...very cool! It was a lot of fun to work with and I got really, really, really messy! This picture is going into my basement bathroom...I want to try to add some green glass bead medium to the background since there is some green in my bathroom...but we will see! I kind of like it the way it is.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Krispy Kreme Cheese Burger
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Training wheels...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bet he didn't sign up for this....
I bet he didn't sign up for this when he got his driveway re-done or coated. There were stakes in the ground and yellow caution tape surrounding his driveway...No walking or driving on it. I respected this and stayed off his driveway and his sidewalk. I mean really, I have no reason to be on his driveway anyways. So I watched this guy spray chemicals on his driveway and it stank. It stank up the neigborhood and as well it just stank when you were outside period.
The man came and went, he did his job and the next day his driveway looked great. But who knew the next day his lawn would look dead and yellowy in color along all the edges where the grass touches the sidewalk. I am glad that I did not have grass there but wished whatever he sprayed would have touched my weeds and killed them. So I am sure my neigbor is not very happy right now, they are a bit of perfectionists, so it will be interesting to see if all the grass is ripped up and re-sodded...the adventure will probably continue...we'll see!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I am here....
Monday, July 12, 2010
The octopus was right!
Netherlands placed predicted by the octopus.
Spain placed First in the fifa world predicted by the octopus.
To bad he won't be around for the next world cup in 2012...but at least for the time being those who were betting on games and listening to the octopus are richer and Spain is a happier country due to their win.
I was cheering for Spain and am glad I didn't jump on the oranje bandwagon with everyone else. So it was actually an exciting fifa world cup this go around. I am looking forward to cheering on Spain in the 2012 fifa. For all those who think Netherlands may actually win in the next cup, I am sure Spain is up for the challenge again...I know you Netherlands fans would like a rematch but you really did play a terrible game.
Thursday, July 8, 2010

So it would appear my Fifa picks for the final were wrong. I still believe that Germany will place 3rd, so that's ok. But I cannot believe Spain made it all the way to the final against the netherlands. Wow! That is great considering Spain has never made it that far. I am still on the fence as to who I believe will place first. I am siding with Spain but I think maybe Netherlands has a chance. But I guess we have to wait till Sunday to find out.
I will leave my predictions as to who wins to myself until paul the octopus tells the world who is going to win fifa because his track record for predictions has been fairly on the ball as to who will win what match. I am suprised Germany didn't turn him into Sushi when he predicted Spain would win against Germany.
So stay tuned for Paul the octopus' predictions...should be interesting.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A good blog...
It's a good read!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Flip Flops and the Rain.

I wear flip flops, I pretend that it is summer out...caught up? ok let's continue on. Flip flops as you know have no traction whatsoever, which is why they are meant for summer. They are meant as casual wear. I hate socks, which is why i wear flip flops whenever I can...unless there is snow, no flip flops then.
But today i choose to wear the flip flops. On the best of days I slip and slide around in them. I am kind of clumsy sometimes, tripping over my own feet. But I knew my flip flops were slippery with this rain, so I was being overly cautious. I climbed into my truck just fine and had no problems with slippery flip flops. I ran some errands and then came home, got my gripping on the driveway after i got out of my truck, took two steps to shut the door and the next thing i knew I had slipped because of my flip flops and landed on the driveway.
So the above photo is of the bruise it left behind post hurts, it's tender to the touch...but I bet you I will still be wearing flip flops tomorrow even if it rains because i love them and they are so much better than socks and shoes. If i wear my shoes without socks my feet smell too much so I would much rather wear flip flops and allow my feet to air out.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Time for an subject? Hutterites.
I like to take my five year old to the park in summer. Today was no exception to that rule. It was beautiful outside....the sun was shining, there was no wind. It was just a beautiful gorgeous day outside. So I figured since we hadn't frequented the "big park" lately that we would head there today. I didn't that on a monday it would be busy, seeing as parents have kids in school and this is post lunch, so the younger ones should be shouldn't have been busy. Boy was I wrong. It turned out to be an interesting sight. A scool from a hutterite colony was enjoying the ammenities of the park. Kids in polka-dots running around wildly from one thing to the next...they were everywhere!! It was one big sea of polka-dots and boys in dark pants and suspenders. The teacher announced that there was only ten minutes left until the bus was to leave, so I figured we could deal with this for ten more minutes, then the park would be empty i took it upon myself to stealthly photograph some pictures of some of the kids.
Group shot! They gathered all the hutterite kids onto the bridge between the two play structures and began to snap away picture after picture of all the kids gathered together....Now I was ready for them to leave post-picture but this brought to mind something else...Photography and hutterites.
Alberta hutterites had been sharing driver licenses. This was a big debate in newspapers and in the court system as well because of the sharing of driver licenses and them being photoless. Their beliefs are based on the fact that images are prohibited by the second commandment. In may 2007, the alberta court of appeal ruled that photographs violate their religious rights and that driving is essential for them. So they believed that having photographs on drivers licenses violated religious beliefs...doesn't gathering school children for pictures do the same? But in July of 2009 it was made mandatory that hutterite colonies must abide by provincial regulations and rules for photos on drivers licenses...So I am still left to debate as to whether or not hutterites believe it is alright to take a picture or if it isn't.... I mean in this case it must be alright because they gathered the school children for a group photograph. Just an interesting debate...
So after the hutterites left, the park was empty for about two minutes until two busloads pulled up full of......No it wasn't more hutterite school children....haha
Monday, May 31, 2010
Things put up the nose...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Flat stanley...the stow-away..
Friday, April 30, 2010
Complete Randomness today....
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cute Conversations that shouldn't be had...

Today I met Patient Susie (*not her real name). A vibrant wonderful lady who was an ex-nurse. She seemed like outside of the hospital and illness she would be a busy woman with lot's to do. Susie* was worried about being in the hospital and away from her family. I gathered she was the care giver in the family as seeing she was an ex nurse and nurses are caring, and nurturing. So with patients like Susie* I like to ensure they are comfortable, taken care of...mostly try to distract them so they don't think about things going on at home and can care for themselves to get themselves back to proper health. So I talked with Susie* tried to calm her nerves a little bit and get her settled into her room.
Our conversation went as follows:
Susie* - It's so nice to have such a bright young woman as a nurse.
Me- Why thank-you.
Susie*- Your smile is wonderful and encouraging
Me- Well we just want to ensure you have the best care possible.
Susie*- You have a glow
Me- Oh really?
Susie*- When are you due?
Me- (my jaw is wide open at this point...)
Me- (finding the words to say)
Me- I am not expecting
Susie*-your not expecting? I just thought you had such a glow, a pregnant woman glows like you are.
Me- Trust me, I am not expecting, just a little extra weight.
Susie*- Oh......
The conversation ended, another nurse walked in and I beelined it for the door. Guess my caring personality misled my patient to believe I was expecting because I am a happy nurse, I like to smile. A smile in my opinion brings warmth and forges a type of patient/nurse friendship that is trusting....guess I need to stop smiling so much so my patients don't mistake it for a "pregnancy glow" next time....
Luckily a few of us had a good chuckle out it and compared other stories from other nurses who experiences similar to mine with patients.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The elephant and the mouse.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Totally true story....