So I was reading on some blogs how to use string gel. I tinted it pink..but as you can see it is pretty white...I hope once it dries it will be pinker or I may need to start over. I used glass bead gel behind (the dark magenta pink color). I love to paint with that, it's so much fun. Now my string gel which is the lighter pink on top of the dark magenta pink color. Upon reading the blogs I discovered that a.) It is difficult to use and b.) It is frusterating to use by first time painters. I figured it would be easy sailing stringing it on and looping it around etc. well I ended up with clump upon clump and ended up wiping those off and restarting again. I finally got it and it turned out pretty good. Next I am going to be layering brown string gel ontop to get a contrasty effect...it should look pretty interesting!
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