Tuesday, June 5, 2007

For the finale...

So it is pouring rain outside and it feels like minus 30 degrees inside...mostly because for some reason the airconditioners are still running even though it is cold outside. I am sure by tomorrow the sun will be out and it will return to the hot, hot +30 degree we've been having. So I figured I would take a moment to blog.

I finally picked out and decided on the colors for the house...which everyone had me second guessing my decisions and making me really wonder if I should be allowed to pick colors because I know nothing about interior design. But finally I picked the colors and what is done, is done. If it looks horrible, then I will repaint every square inch of the place myself...heehee probably not!

They are putting the siding up on the house finally, but they don't get very far from day to day mostly due to the fact that when I drive by and check on the progress, I only ever see one man working...I feel bad for him because the front of the house and part of the side of the house goes up two complete stories and working on ladders and scafolding yourself is NEVER recommended. So hopefully when I drive by, the other guy is just on his lunch break or whatever. I can believe that there are two people putting up siding...it makes it seemingly go by faster.

So they are going to begin to paint the interior of the house and then hopefully we can get in and start doing some flooring! Yes it is a project for my dad and Nathan...I will try to help but I am quite busy with work right now and school. I have a huge paper due on Monday and the question I have to focus on is: DO PEOPLE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIE?
It touches on whether or not euthanasia should be allowed and legalized or should it remain unlegalized. So I have to get the views of two medical professionals or someone else..heeehee now this paper is due next week Tuesday and I have yet to seek out advice or help from anyone about this...I am such a procrastinator but I am telling you that it will turn out to be an amazing wonderful paper on my part. I do great amazing work in the midst of stress and chaos!

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