Friday, March 26, 2010

Power outage.....

Had to go run an errand this morning. I like to look around Costco usually. I especially don't mind the store first thing after it opens. 10am I am there. But today I didn't really feel like going, usually when I work later on in the day I like to do as little as possible during the morning. So I decided since I needed somethings from there I would venture into the store. Costco at 10am is usually busy with early morning shoppers but it is not so busy that the check up lines are backed up and you have to wait an hour to get through the check out.

This morning, it wasn't so bad, there was the usual 10am rush of shoppers. But generally they were all wandering the aisles. I picked up my items and made a beeline to the check out. I found the perfect line, only one person infront of me. This rarely happens, usually I get stuck behind some person who's cart is filled to the brim and over flowing. So I figured I would be able to get this errand over and done with quickly as one person is ahead of me.

The checkout clerk began to scan through the few items this person had when there was a huge surge of power. The lights flickered and quickly the whole building went dim. Alarm's began to sound and suddenly people (employees of costco) were running around wild. Sprung into action I suppose. All the checkouts went blank and one or two began to make beeping noises. There was a period of chaos where no one was sure what to do. The woman in the line behind me had a lot to say...I overheard her whispers to her husband. "I bet those guys digging up outside did this." "I hope this won't take long." "They should fix this problem, what a hassle." People are so quick to grumble when something happens to interfere with their schedules.

The few employees left standing at the front by the checkouts ensured us that they were getting the problem fixed and the electricity would be restored in no time. Now mind you I myself was feeling a little anxious, i had intended this errand to be quick...but the power surge had me wondering if i would leave costco with my items I needed.

When approximately ten minutes had passed, the line ups stretched past the first aisle..they were a good dozen or so people deep. Then they began to pass out if this inconvience could be solved by cookies. Chocolate chip, double chocolate chip or white chocolate chip...take your pick. A few employees made their way down the lines handing out the cookies. I figured ok this isn't so bad, stuck in a power outing and we get free cookies. I could not complain as I hadn't had breakfast and my next stop was tim hortons for a breakfast sandwich. The kids in the line ups were especially thrilled at the idea of a free cookie. They were grinning from ear to ear as they munched on their special treat.

So as we stood there, chomping away at our delicious treat. Two men from the construction site were walking back and forth around the store. The first guy was a rather large burly looking guy. He looked like he knew what he was looking for, like he knew what he was doing. The second guy was a short little skinny string bean of a guy sauntering after the first guy carrying all the tools. The tools looked like they weighed too much for him to carry. He looked pretty overwhelmed. The lady behind me had to comment. "I wonder what his job is? he doesn't look like he knows what to do because he's following that guy around." "He must just be there to carry the tools for the other guy." "He looks to young to have a job."

She amused me, the lady had an opinion about everything! The next ten minutes were met with people running back and forth. The power attempted to come on twice with little to no success.
The one employee asked "Are they following protocol at hte front door? are the front doors locked?" This worried me, were we truly locked in costco? Did I really need the items I was going to purchase? Should I return tomorrow at a less inconvienced moment? He then again assured us in line that the problem was being taken care of and we'd be back in business soon.

This employee began to run around getting more checkout lines open and ready for when the power returned because the line ups at this point were really long. Pretty soon the power returned and we were back in business. They finished ringing the first persons items through and the lady behind me again piped up. "Hurry up before the power goes out again." the checkout clerk was less than thrilled with that comment and gave me a sarcastic look that involved some eye rolling....i was shocked the lady did not mention anything about that. The clerk was cordial, apologizing or the inconvinence as she rung my items through. I paid and headed on my way before the construction crew could cause more problems for the store. after spending nearly forty minutes in costco when the trip was intended to be five or ten minutes, I was more than happy to find my way out to my car and drive off home.

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