I thought maybe we could get use to it, after all people are allowed to express themselves and their interests in their yards. But I find that after it having been around for almost a year, I cannot get use to it. It stands there and stares at the neighborhood. I think this oil rig should be on a farm. It'd make a great yard ornament for an aging farm on their big wide open front lawn in the country.

This oil pump is also conveniently motorized, it makes a loud screetchy noise and I don't even live close to him. So I wonder what it would sound like if I lived next door. I am glad people like lawn ornaments but you don't see my lawn covered in garden gnomes because I like garden gnomes...Anyways hopefully not all neighborhoods are filled with interesting lawn decor like mine. Guess I will just have to get use to it....I am waiting for it to start pumping oil one day, it apparently can do that.
oh awesome, so many questions. First is it functional? Because if it isn't and you have a night shot of the said non-functioning ornamentation lit up... you are my hero.
And if it is nonfunctioning, then can I please put it up on my blog. You would be much praised.
Sorry if I am enjoying your pain. I will refrain from undue excitement.
Go ahead, take the picture. I don't mind. It apparently acts like a water fountain...circulating either water or oil but it is not considered a "REAL" oil rig. It does not have any other purpose than sitting in his front yard taking up space like a water fountain.
Go ahead post it on your blog....I don't mind, I after all did take the picture.
Kristie, your picture made the finals in our annual yard art of the year awards. You may want to pop over and vote for yourself...or not. Anyway thanks for letting me use it for The Yard Art Game.
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