I must admit rolling up the rim at tim hortons is fun. But the novelty wears off quickly. I switch from my dedicated, loyal trips to starbucks once roll up the rim rolls into town. I turn to tim hortons for my coffee needs. I also go to tim hortons for breakfast sometimes. This morning was no exception, I was on my way home and I figured I would make a quick stop in the line and get something. I ordered my bagel toasted and a milk to go. Proceeded to drive to the drive through window.
I approached and the young woman working there handed me a cup of coffee.
"We're all out of medium roll up the rim cups. So we've given you a small roll up the rim cup with a plain medium cup."
"I didn't order coffee."
"I know that."
"Your handing me a coffee cup."
"It's a medium hot chocolate."
"I didn't order a medium hot chocolate."
"I knew that."
(So why did she hand me a cup then if she knew that?)
She gave me what I ordered, I paid and drove away...I am still wondering if why she knew that, why did she try to give me the cup of hot chocolate, I should have taken it and thanked her for the free hot chocolate.
But I guess they are busy at tim hortons in the morning...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Stir Fry.....
Friday, March 26, 2010
Power outage.....
Had to go run an errand this morning. I like to look around Costco usually. I especially don't mind the store first thing after it opens. 10am I am there. But today I didn't really feel like going, usually when I work later on in the day I like to do as little as possible during the morning. So I decided since I needed somethings from there I would venture into the store. Costco at 10am is usually busy with early morning shoppers but it is not so busy that the check up lines are backed up and you have to wait an hour to get through the check out.
This morning, it wasn't so bad, there was the usual 10am rush of shoppers. But generally they were all wandering the aisles. I picked up my items and made a beeline to the check out. I found the perfect line, only one person infront of me. This rarely happens, usually I get stuck behind some person who's cart is filled to the brim and over flowing. So I figured I would be able to get this errand over and done with quickly as one person is ahead of me.
The checkout clerk began to scan through the few items this person had when there was a huge surge of power. The lights flickered and quickly the whole building went dim. Alarm's began to sound and suddenly people (employees of costco) were running around wild. Sprung into action I suppose. All the checkouts went blank and one or two began to make beeping noises. There was a period of chaos where no one was sure what to do. The woman in the line behind me had a lot to say...I overheard her whispers to her husband. "I bet those guys digging up outside did this." "I hope this won't take long." "They should fix this problem, what a hassle." People are so quick to grumble when something happens to interfere with their schedules.
The few employees left standing at the front by the checkouts ensured us that they were getting the problem fixed and the electricity would be restored in no time. Now mind you I myself was feeling a little anxious, i had intended this errand to be quick...but the power surge had me wondering if i would leave costco with my items I needed.
When approximately ten minutes had passed, the line ups stretched past the first aisle..they were a good dozen or so people deep. Then they began to pass out cookies...as if this inconvience could be solved by cookies. Chocolate chip, double chocolate chip or white chocolate chip...take your pick. A few employees made their way down the lines handing out the cookies. I figured ok this isn't so bad, stuck in a power outing and we get free cookies. I could not complain as I hadn't had breakfast and my next stop was tim hortons for a breakfast sandwich. The kids in the line ups were especially thrilled at the idea of a free cookie. They were grinning from ear to ear as they munched on their special treat.
So as we stood there, chomping away at our delicious treat. Two men from the construction site were walking back and forth around the store. The first guy was a rather large burly looking guy. He looked like he knew what he was looking for, like he knew what he was doing. The second guy was a short little skinny string bean of a guy sauntering after the first guy carrying all the tools. The tools looked like they weighed too much for him to carry. He looked pretty overwhelmed. The lady behind me had to comment. "I wonder what his job is? he doesn't look like he knows what to do because he's following that guy around." "He must just be there to carry the tools for the other guy." "He looks to young to have a job."
She amused me, the lady had an opinion about everything! The next ten minutes were met with people running back and forth. The power attempted to come on twice with little to no success.
The one employee asked "Are they following protocol at hte front door? are the front doors locked?" This worried me, were we truly locked in costco? Did I really need the items I was going to purchase? Should I return tomorrow at a less inconvienced moment? He then again assured us in line that the problem was being taken care of and we'd be back in business soon.
This employee began to run around getting more checkout lines open and ready for when the power returned because the line ups at this point were really long. Pretty soon the power returned and we were back in business. They finished ringing the first persons items through and the lady behind me again piped up. "Hurry up before the power goes out again." the checkout clerk was less than thrilled with that comment and gave me a sarcastic look that involved some eye rolling....i was shocked the lady did not mention anything about that. The clerk was cordial, apologizing or the inconvinence as she rung my items through. I paid and headed on my way before the construction crew could cause more problems for the store. after spending nearly forty minutes in costco when the trip was intended to be five or ten minutes, I was more than happy to find my way out to my car and drive off home.
This morning, it wasn't so bad, there was the usual 10am rush of shoppers. But generally they were all wandering the aisles. I picked up my items and made a beeline to the check out. I found the perfect line, only one person infront of me. This rarely happens, usually I get stuck behind some person who's cart is filled to the brim and over flowing. So I figured I would be able to get this errand over and done with quickly as one person is ahead of me.
The checkout clerk began to scan through the few items this person had when there was a huge surge of power. The lights flickered and quickly the whole building went dim. Alarm's began to sound and suddenly people (employees of costco) were running around wild. Sprung into action I suppose. All the checkouts went blank and one or two began to make beeping noises. There was a period of chaos where no one was sure what to do. The woman in the line behind me had a lot to say...I overheard her whispers to her husband. "I bet those guys digging up outside did this." "I hope this won't take long." "They should fix this problem, what a hassle." People are so quick to grumble when something happens to interfere with their schedules.
The few employees left standing at the front by the checkouts ensured us that they were getting the problem fixed and the electricity would be restored in no time. Now mind you I myself was feeling a little anxious, i had intended this errand to be quick...but the power surge had me wondering if i would leave costco with my items I needed.
When approximately ten minutes had passed, the line ups stretched past the first aisle..they were a good dozen or so people deep. Then they began to pass out cookies...as if this inconvience could be solved by cookies. Chocolate chip, double chocolate chip or white chocolate chip...take your pick. A few employees made their way down the lines handing out the cookies. I figured ok this isn't so bad, stuck in a power outing and we get free cookies. I could not complain as I hadn't had breakfast and my next stop was tim hortons for a breakfast sandwich. The kids in the line ups were especially thrilled at the idea of a free cookie. They were grinning from ear to ear as they munched on their special treat.
So as we stood there, chomping away at our delicious treat. Two men from the construction site were walking back and forth around the store. The first guy was a rather large burly looking guy. He looked like he knew what he was looking for, like he knew what he was doing. The second guy was a short little skinny string bean of a guy sauntering after the first guy carrying all the tools. The tools looked like they weighed too much for him to carry. He looked pretty overwhelmed. The lady behind me had to comment. "I wonder what his job is? he doesn't look like he knows what to do because he's following that guy around." "He must just be there to carry the tools for the other guy." "He looks to young to have a job."
She amused me, the lady had an opinion about everything! The next ten minutes were met with people running back and forth. The power attempted to come on twice with little to no success.
The one employee asked "Are they following protocol at hte front door? are the front doors locked?" This worried me, were we truly locked in costco? Did I really need the items I was going to purchase? Should I return tomorrow at a less inconvienced moment? He then again assured us in line that the problem was being taken care of and we'd be back in business soon.
This employee began to run around getting more checkout lines open and ready for when the power returned because the line ups at this point were really long. Pretty soon the power returned and we were back in business. They finished ringing the first persons items through and the lady behind me again piped up. "Hurry up before the power goes out again." the checkout clerk was less than thrilled with that comment and gave me a sarcastic look that involved some eye rolling....i was shocked the lady did not mention anything about that. The clerk was cordial, apologizing or the inconvinence as she rung my items through. I paid and headed on my way before the construction crew could cause more problems for the store. after spending nearly forty minutes in costco when the trip was intended to be five or ten minutes, I was more than happy to find my way out to my car and drive off home.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hola, mi espanol no es muy bueno!
So I have taken it upon myself to learn some spanish...It's apparently not a difficult language to learn. But it is difficult to retain.
I can remember things like:
hi- hola
como estas- how are you?
good evening- buenos tardes
good night- buenos noches
good morning- buenos dias
Colors aren't so hard either:
red- rojo
orange- naranje
yellow- amarillo
green- verde
blue- azul
purple- morado
But beyond that, I cannot say any phrases. So I am going to further my knowledge and learn some phrases instead of little words that I cannot piece together.
I can remember things like:
hi- hola
como estas- how are you?
good evening- buenos tardes
good night- buenos noches
good morning- buenos dias
Colors aren't so hard either:
red- rojo
orange- naranje
yellow- amarillo
green- verde
blue- azul
purple- morado
But beyond that, I cannot say any phrases. So I am going to further my knowledge and learn some phrases instead of little words that I cannot piece together.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Earls and the bobby pin....
So as for my previous post. I know I've left you all in suspense long enough. I know it's taken me long enough to blog again.
The story is. I was really looking forward to going out to dinner. Earls restraunt was my favorite restraunt...ok it was my second favorite. Moxie's is still top favorite. Well at least until they do something wrong, which they haven't yet.
So I was really looking forward to a nice dinner at Earls. Now I usually order a salad. My favorite is their hot chicken ceaser salad. But I love their fries and as we all know, fries do not come with salads. I think there is a rule against that. So you either eat healthy or you order something with fries. I had a craving for their fries. So I ordered my usual fry dish. Chicken fingers and fries. Now if you have ever tasted their chicken fingers, they are so wonderfully crunchy and juicy. The ultimate chicken fingers. I had made it through one chicken finger and some fries. They tasted so wonderful quite honestly. They made my mouth water, I was looking forward to digging in and eating some more as the first taste was delicious. I began to cut into the second one and it was a bit tougher to cut. I began to saw away at it, got a piece free and cut a new piece. Now I like to cut up my chicken fingers, easier to dip in the bbq sauce that way.
So I kept cutting, I had a few pieces off when I went on to cut the next bit of the chicken finger. It wasn't cutting so great, it was extremely difficult to get apart. I pried the chicken finger apart to find something sticking out of it...
A piece of shiny metal that looked the length of a bobby pin was wavy just like the rigid ridges of a bobby pin. I immediately inquired with my dinner company as to what it was. Immediately grossing my dinner company out and having my dinner company precede to check their burger for any sharp little metal objects. I sat there for a few minutes before I was able to wave the waitress down. She came right over as I had a look of absolute disgust on my face.
She asked how our meal was and I preceded to point out the wavy piece of metal I had found in my chicken nugget. She was disturbed by it and apologized profusely, quickly picking up the plate and rushing it back to the kitchen. On the way back she showed the manager and a few other staff members who examined the dish I had just been eating very carefully.
I sat for two seconds before the manager and waitress reappeared with a fresh dish of chicken fingers and fries. Now I don't know about you, but I could not stomache eating another chicken finger because I doubt they quickly whipped up a new batch in the deep fryer in the time it took him to return from the kitchen. The manager apologized profusely and walked away. The waitress returned a short time later and asked how everything was. I proceeded to tell her that I had lost my appetite for chicken fingers and could not eat them. She told me that I should feel better because my meal was for free. But did not offer to bring me something else. So my supper consisted of a few frenchfries and getting the bill for my dinner company's meal and leaving right away as soon as the bill was paid. I did get a free meal...but I won't be back to Earl's for awhile...I am to disturbed by the metal I found in my chicken. Though I don't know where it came from.
The story is. I was really looking forward to going out to dinner. Earls restraunt was my favorite restraunt...ok it was my second favorite. Moxie's is still top favorite. Well at least until they do something wrong, which they haven't yet.
So I was really looking forward to a nice dinner at Earls. Now I usually order a salad. My favorite is their hot chicken ceaser salad. But I love their fries and as we all know, fries do not come with salads. I think there is a rule against that. So you either eat healthy or you order something with fries. I had a craving for their fries. So I ordered my usual fry dish. Chicken fingers and fries. Now if you have ever tasted their chicken fingers, they are so wonderfully crunchy and juicy. The ultimate chicken fingers. I had made it through one chicken finger and some fries. They tasted so wonderful quite honestly. They made my mouth water, I was looking forward to digging in and eating some more as the first taste was delicious. I began to cut into the second one and it was a bit tougher to cut. I began to saw away at it, got a piece free and cut a new piece. Now I like to cut up my chicken fingers, easier to dip in the bbq sauce that way.
So I kept cutting, I had a few pieces off when I went on to cut the next bit of the chicken finger. It wasn't cutting so great, it was extremely difficult to get apart. I pried the chicken finger apart to find something sticking out of it...
A piece of shiny metal that looked the length of a bobby pin was wavy just like the rigid ridges of a bobby pin. I immediately inquired with my dinner company as to what it was. Immediately grossing my dinner company out and having my dinner company precede to check their burger for any sharp little metal objects. I sat there for a few minutes before I was able to wave the waitress down. She came right over as I had a look of absolute disgust on my face.
She asked how our meal was and I preceded to point out the wavy piece of metal I had found in my chicken nugget. She was disturbed by it and apologized profusely, quickly picking up the plate and rushing it back to the kitchen. On the way back she showed the manager and a few other staff members who examined the dish I had just been eating very carefully.
I sat for two seconds before the manager and waitress reappeared with a fresh dish of chicken fingers and fries. Now I don't know about you, but I could not stomache eating another chicken finger because I doubt they quickly whipped up a new batch in the deep fryer in the time it took him to return from the kitchen. The manager apologized profusely and walked away. The waitress returned a short time later and asked how everything was. I proceeded to tell her that I had lost my appetite for chicken fingers and could not eat them. She told me that I should feel better because my meal was for free. But did not offer to bring me something else. So my supper consisted of a few frenchfries and getting the bill for my dinner company's meal and leaving right away as soon as the bill was paid. I did get a free meal...but I won't be back to Earl's for awhile...I am to disturbed by the metal I found in my chicken. Though I don't know where it came from.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A pigeon adventure....
Who said nothing ever exciting happens in this poor town of ours....till my next adventure...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
I have nothing to say....my mind is blank, there is nothing to say...
Nothing going on, nothing new, nothing, a whole lot of nothing....
The writer's mind is blank and so is her canvas...
Nothing going on, nothing new, nothing, a whole lot of nothing....
The writer's mind is blank and so is her canvas...
Friday, March 12, 2010
I just wanted Pizza!
I had quite a long day at work today, so I figured I would order pizza. Make a quick easy supper right? Well boy oh boy was I wrong....
Pizza hut is usually the pizza of choice around here....mainly because I am the only one who enjoys this delicious meal. I figured I would order a nice pizza from there since a.) they are close and b.) usually fairly cheap.
I opened up the phone book, found the number and dialed. It rang and rang and finally an operator came on. She asked for my phone number, name and city. So I clearly stated where I was from, my phone number and my name. The operator said to hold on, she was just putting the information in to direct my call. She then informed me that I would put through to the restaurant I had selected and I could then order. The phone rang and rang and finally someone picked up. The person on the other end of the phone said the address of the pizza hut and the location. I then informed the person at that pizza hut that I was in a different city and if they could please put me through to the right restaurant. She informed me that she could not hook me back to the operator and I would have to call the number for pizza hut again. So our conversation ended.
I called back to the number and again was given to an operator who asked me yet again for my phone number, name and city. I obliged and clearly stated that she had put me through to the wrong restaurant before and I would like to be put through to this pizza hut, at this location in my city. She said that she would and informed me yet again I would be put through to the right restaurant. I clung to the hope that she would this time indeed get it right. Well I am in the end, honestly not sure if I had the right restaurant, because after waiting twenty minutes on hold hearing about pizza hut and their yummy pizza's I hung up.
My attempt to twice get through to pizza hut in my city had failed me. I decided to go to their rival Panago Pizza! They have good pizza but it was slightly expensive. So I dialed in their universal number and got an operator. This guy asked me for my city, phone number and name. I hoped he would get it right the first time. That I would not repeat what had happened five minutes ago with Pizza hut. He said please hold while I connect you through. I was hoping he had it right. Within two minutes there was a voice at the other end of the phone. Success! I was able to order my pizza. It was so good, and it was probably a lot better than what I would have gotten, had I waited on the line for pizza hut to take my call.
Pizza hut is usually the pizza of choice around here....mainly because I am the only one who enjoys this delicious meal. I figured I would order a nice pizza from there since a.) they are close and b.) usually fairly cheap.
I opened up the phone book, found the number and dialed. It rang and rang and finally an operator came on. She asked for my phone number, name and city. So I clearly stated where I was from, my phone number and my name. The operator said to hold on, she was just putting the information in to direct my call. She then informed me that I would put through to the restaurant I had selected and I could then order. The phone rang and rang and finally someone picked up. The person on the other end of the phone said the address of the pizza hut and the location. I then informed the person at that pizza hut that I was in a different city and if they could please put me through to the right restaurant. She informed me that she could not hook me back to the operator and I would have to call the number for pizza hut again. So our conversation ended.
I called back to the number and again was given to an operator who asked me yet again for my phone number, name and city. I obliged and clearly stated that she had put me through to the wrong restaurant before and I would like to be put through to this pizza hut, at this location in my city. She said that she would and informed me yet again I would be put through to the right restaurant. I clung to the hope that she would this time indeed get it right. Well I am in the end, honestly not sure if I had the right restaurant, because after waiting twenty minutes on hold hearing about pizza hut and their yummy pizza's I hung up.
My attempt to twice get through to pizza hut in my city had failed me. I decided to go to their rival Panago Pizza! They have good pizza but it was slightly expensive. So I dialed in their universal number and got an operator. This guy asked me for my city, phone number and name. I hoped he would get it right the first time. That I would not repeat what had happened five minutes ago with Pizza hut. He said please hold while I connect you through. I was hoping he had it right. Within two minutes there was a voice at the other end of the phone. Success! I was able to order my pizza. It was so good, and it was probably a lot better than what I would have gotten, had I waited on the line for pizza hut to take my call.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I had to blog about this!!!

I thought maybe we could get use to it, after all people are allowed to express themselves and their interests in their yards. But I find that after it having been around for almost a year, I cannot get use to it. It stands there and stares at the neighborhood. I think this oil rig should be on a farm. It'd make a great yard ornament for an aging farm on their big wide open front lawn in the country.

This oil pump is also conveniently motorized, it makes a loud screetchy noise and I don't even live close to him. So I wonder what it would sound like if I lived next door. I am glad people like lawn ornaments but you don't see my lawn covered in garden gnomes because I like garden gnomes...Anyways hopefully not all neighborhoods are filled with interesting lawn decor like mine. Guess I will just have to get use to it....I am waiting for it to start pumping oil one day, it apparently can do that.
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