So you might be looking at this picture of my knee wondering what on earth I did to deserve such a pretty gross looking bruise on my knee....yes it is my knee....I actaully ate at Subway Restaurant where I was rewarded with this shiner! I am not going to sue....don't worry, it has long faded away and returned to my normal skin tones. But the story is that dad, mom and I were going to have a healthy and nutritious subway lunch. I enjoy sneaking away and having lunch with them. Anyways my mom asked me to go get her a bottle of water out of the cooler around the corner. So being the nice daughter that I am, I obliged and began my journey to the pop cooler. I had no sooner rounded the corner when both feet went out from under me and I ended up flat on my bottom sitting in a huge puddle of water that I had not noticed prior to the accident.. An elderly woman and her husband tried to console me and make sure I was alright. It took a few minutes for my dad to clue in that I was indeed injured to which he made sure everyone in subway saw that I was hurt. So I stood up, hobbled to the table in pain, crying not because I was hurt, but because the seat of my pants was completely wet and it looked like I had wet myself.
So my mom was still ordering and had no clue what happened and then my dad rushed to the bathroom, got me a good size stack of paper towels and told me I could sit on them, they would absorb some of the water from my pants. So instead of this picturesque (sp?) lunch with the folks, I had to sit on a stack of paper towel with a wet bottom through the lunch and then my parents and the elderly people wanted to ensure I wasn't hurt. So I rolled up my pant leg and to my dismay there was a huge welt! It looked like someone had taken a baseball bat to my knee. (it looked worse than the picture, the picture was taken two days later!)...So the employees at subway mopped up the mess and a puddle formed again and I voiced my concern for the elderly who might slip and break a hip in the puddle. Working in the health care field on the orthopedic floor, I do see too many broken hips! They said the manager was aware of the leak.
So a few days after the incident, my parents got a free lunch at subway...I am still waiting for my free lunch that I was told I would recieve if I came in when the manager was there....I haven't been back to subway since the accident.

So this is proof that people do get hurt...yes I was attacked by a box! And as you can tell the box won. I was retrieving the last of my boxes from the warehouse. I had joked with one of the employees that my boxes weren't heavy and that I would manage. The first two were lighter than a feather (maybe they were empty...I don't know!). By the time I reached for the third box it was heavier than a box full of stones. I didn't have a good grip on it, and it fell on top of my hand resulting in an ugly gash...trust me it looks worse than the picture! So needless to say I felt stupid and it was bleeding. I got into the Durango, drove to the front of the building to complain to my younger brother, who in turn replied with "did you get all your stuff out?"....did he ask why my hand was bleeding or hurt? No, he just wanted to ensure all my stuff was gone. I did tell him the box attacked me though, but he didn't seem to concern...maybe it happens more often in the warehouse than I am aware...
So those are my war wounds from the summer...hopefully with two weeks left of summer, there will not be anymore...we'll see.
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