Friday, August 31, 2007

Last friday in August

So I have run out of things to blog about. I haven't however run out of boxes to unpack...lately my unpacking days have consisted of me staring at the boxes and just pretending they don't exist...I lived without the contents of those boxes for a few years, so do I really need everything that is inside of them now? So I mostly just sit in the middle of the floor, staring at boxes wondering what do I do with them? I have been rather unmovitated to unpack this last week.

I took my CPR-HCP yesterday. It was quite possibly the longest day of my life but don't worry if anything should happen to you, I am qualified to use an AED. So we got to play with the practice ones and shock our dummies who were our patients, it was fun. Though no real electricity actually ran through the lines of the diffibrilators unfortunately. So its not like the dummies jumped or anything. The machines just told us the shocks had been delievered. So we breezed through the day and it wasn't so bad, I didn't know any of the girls who took it with me either, so it was a long day.

So I officially have 5 more days of summer until school is back should I spend my last 5 days of summer? I just don't know.

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