Sunday, January 18, 2009

Apparently its 2009

I have neglected my blog again...only one person has told me to update the blog for fear he might have to give in and join into the facebook culture. So I am updating it just so that he doesn't have to do that. But unfortunately my blog is less detailed than my facebook account is.

Anyways I cannot believe that January is half over, it seems like christmas came and flew by way to quickly. I spent most of the christmas holidays working, which is not a bad way to spend the holidays. I did have christmas eve, christmas morning off and as well new years day off. So at least i did not totally miss out on the holidays completely.

But it is again back to the grind of my usual routine which involves work, being at home and attending my kiddo's activities. Its busy but it is life. Otherwise not to much else going at present.

Well more to come....this will have to do for now.

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