Inside-out Election sign in protest of the candidate who shouldn't have run..Participating in only one debate which he did very poorly in.

Conservatives....they could have picked a better candidate

The sign retired along with previous candidates election sign to a corner in the garage... I was tempted to put up Casson's sign in the front lawn and tell people to re-vote him even though he wasn't running.
We can't always pick our candidates but we can choose our party and what they stand for.
Conservatives took 56.4% of the votes in our riding, while NDP took 27.2% of the votes.. Only 48,179 out of a possible 89,280 voters voted, making that only 54% of eligable voters actually voting. So don't complain if the government doesn't do what you want them to do if you didn't vote!
1 comment:
well put, Kristie! If you don't vote, don't complain! At least more people voted this time than last time...
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