Thursday, August 28, 2008

Its been awhile!

So its been awhile...again. At least I've made an effort to blog more often and failed again miserably at it. But it's been a busy few weeks of enjoying the summer. I've been able to have a few movie marathons which included House, Gossip Girl and ER. I've painted a few new pieces of art, which actually turned out really good. I've spent quality time with my friends, I took a day trip to calgary more than once and I dusted off my golf clubs too. They were covered in spiderwebs and I even managed to get a few good days in at the driving range. I haven't golfed in a year and my attempts to prove I still knew how to hold a club and whack the ball proved to be a very daunting task.

But at least I golfed when there were new learners at the driving range and did not feel so out of place with my lack of skill and lost talent. I almost got hit a few times by a guy who was golfing next to me during my first session at the driving range. He wasn't so good at getting the balls far as he was hitting them straight up into the air coming over the divider and almost landing on my head. Golf is a lazy man sport, so I don't understand why some people find it so difficult to play.

Lazying around has been nice but I think it's time to direct my energy elsewhere before I go completely stir crazy. As much as I love summer and all that comes with it, it's time for summer to leave. Let it snow!!!!

1 comment:

Rev. Michael Macintyre said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is looking forward to the next chilly season. "Sleigh Bells Ring!"
