So to add to the hysteria of the New Simpsons movie coming out soon, I figured I would share some factual information with you.
As it turns out through geneological searching, (according to my cousin, who said my uncle conducted this search). Matt Groening is my fifth cousin. How cool is that?
Being related to the creator of the simpsons is a really neat thing. Now mind you, every person who I ever told didn't believe me but now that it has been geneologically proven, it has to be truth right?
But I haven't caught myself up in the hype of the simpsons movie, sure they were ok to occasionally watch on t.v. but some of my friends are die hard simpsons fans and for them this movie is the most spectacular thing to happen all summer.
A few of them have resorted to getting their pictures outside of the "Quick-E-Marts" that have popped up all over the place. Drinking Squishee's and Buzz cola has become a popular past-time for a few as well....it's all the hype of the simpsons movie. It's a little over the top to promote a movie.
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