So this is the way I feel. I have had this head cold for about four days now and it is not getting any better. I wake up and my head feels like a storage facility for phlegm, and I have never felt like my head is going to explode the way I have over the last few days...yes it is true, my head may explode...so try not to stand to close me till this all blows over.
So aside from feeling yucky, me and Ashley met Rick, Nathan and Rob D. to do some quadding yesterday. It was fun and once I got going (no I did not get past the first gear), it was a piece of cake. Mind you Rick and Rob D. felt it was not a good idea to teach me how to go into reverse until I could drive the quad properly in first gear. So needless to say I got stuck at the edge of the field parked in the direction of a dirt pile. So Rick had to push my quad backwards to get me aimed in the right direction so I could continue on in learning how to drive the quad. I was actually laughing so hard because I really suck at quading. Rick was very helpful out in the field and was very encouraging to me during my moments of stupidity where I couldn't get the quad going again and kept stalling. He's a good teacher. Ashley on the other hand did really well, she actually made my quad driving look really, really, really bad.
So we had fun until the boys decided to call it quits....which we all agree (well Ashley, Nathan & I) that we should have spent more time out there. But this is something we will attempt to master at a future date because it is quite fun. But I have never been good at driving a manual, I love automatics. So Nathan's gonna try to get us to try an automatic quad sometime when we have time to go out and practice our quadding skills. Don't laugh....I will become good and master a jump or two. Just wait and see.
Other than not to much happening around here. The house is coming along, the driveway is ready to go...but in need of repairs because they finished the driveway on a day that was to hot resulting in gigantic cracks all across the driveway. So someone is going to fix that. The painters painted the interior of the house the wrong color (due to someones dyslexic ways). So the carpenter is done for now until the finishing carpentry needs to be done after the flooring is in. Next comes the cabinets and then the painters will regrace the house with their presence and paint the house the proper colors...I will be there to make sure they get it right the second time around. Then comes the flooring, then after all that the carpenter will come back in and finish the finishing carpentry....somewhere in between I think the lighting goes into...and then voila the house will be done.....so I hope....so the projected date of possession may hopefully be August??? heehee no one really knows at this point and time!...actually they never gave a possession date after they failed to meet the October 2006 possession date. (long story!)
So while all this is happening and my dad will be here to take care of business, I am heading off to Manitoba for the first week of July...so for my fellow Manitoba readers (I actually don't know how many of you read this.) I will be around from the 3rd to the 8th staying with my auntie arlene. So that is some exciting news! I need the vacation.
Now I should probably go study because I have my last final exam on Tuesday before the summer begins. So if you don't mind I am going to head off to read up about Freud and Erickson and their views on how development occurs over the lifespan....it isn't actually that exciting.
Ps- I do promise to keep my blog updated a lot more than it has been. I realize that it has been awhile since I have blogged and I apologize to all my loyal blog readers.
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