So this weekend I went to Calgary to get away and do some shopping and as well to hang-out with Ashley & Nathan. So I was driving up on the highway just enjoying the solitude and enjoying the ride up. Just outside of claresholm I switched lanes and drove for about five minutes when I noticed a duck sitting on the side of the road. I thought that was strange and kept driving. As soon as I was about to pass this sitting duck, it decided to fly. It was like a slow motion movie of this duck's wing flapping up and down as it was trying to get itself into the air. The only problem was that it was trying this infront of my car driving close to 120km/hr. So I am just almost sitting in a time warp in my car watching this duck flap and flap and it just kept getting closer and closer to my front windshield. I hit the duck! It smacked so hard into my front windshield that the impact made a huge "THUD" and I cringed inside knowing I hit this poor defenseless duck who was trying to fly away from the highway. As soon as the duck hit my windshield and I heard this "Thud" I shut my eyes! I did not want to see this poor duck hit my glass. Nathan told me it was a good thing I shut my eyes incase the beak of the duck hit the window and shatter it.
So I am not the first member of my family to hit a duck on that highway. I am reminded of an instance not so long ago when a certain younger brother of mine was driving up to Calgary to visit Ashley. He thought it was something else and as his wheels were about to drive over it, he realized it was a mother duck with little ducklings following behind. He hit a mother duck and left the ducklings on the side of the road to be orphaned. So we have this history in our family of hitting ducks on the highway between here and Calgary.
So as you can imagine as soon as I told this to Ashley, she couldn't contain her laughter and we were laughing until we had tears in our eyes and could barely talk. It was just like what were the chances that the two of us would do the exact same thing. Hit a duck, what are the chances?
So we had fun this weekend. I stayed with Ashley's family and it was quite a full house this weekend. They get a lot of guests because the girls both have boyfriends and they now have one of Nathan & Ashley's friends living with them who also has a girlfriend...so their house is never quiet...we are trying to persuade Ashley to move back here! We miss having her around...but she has promised she will come to visit, so hopefully we will have more tales to follow.
most importantly: DID YOU GIVE THE THING TO SONYA AND RICK??????
Im really not sure what im getting myself into. you and nathan are both duck killers. Tho I must admit that that was the funniest thing i ever heard.
DUCK Killers!
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