I was browsing around the internet for some history on nursing and ofcourse we all know the famous Florence Nightingale, but there are ofcourse other nurses like Clara Barton. I wanted to find a picture to show us how much nursing has changed and I came across this picture.
This is a picture of a Navy Nurse. There is no way nurses look this way these days and infact the uniforms from these days are way more comfortable. But it seems that over time, nursing has definitely changed. We no longer see images of respect anymore.
Around school the biggest issue is the degration of nurses. How people look at a picture of a nurse and degrate them, especially when the era of the pin-up nurse was born. Around school the buzz is that a nurse should be respected and looked up on because we save lives, that is what we do. There were quite a few feminists and faculty after the students group who had decorated the bulletin boards with a poster with a nurse on it. The nurse in the picture did not show clevage or did not have a revealing figure or a short skirt on. Apparently the nursing students who complained were the ones who had been disciplined three years ago because they choose a pin-up nurse for their posters to hang on campus which totally degrated the nursing profession.
I do understand that they were trying to promote health as a whole instead of promoting activities involving alcohol. But when you see a nurse on a poster with free all you can drink alcohol obviously they will assume that the "Naughty nurses" are the ones who will be there. Yes that does then give nursing a bad rep.
So anyways I think the lesson has been learned with our students council that you can't just expect to put a nurse on a poster and say "free alcohol" and expect someone to not be offended. You represent all the nurses, not just our class of nursing students. I think they will also double check before they ever do something this dumb again.
Maybe there is time to change nursing back into what it was before.
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