Monday, March 31, 2008

What about the room?

So completely nauseated this afternoon after lunch, I made my way to school. I was dreading every step from my car into the building and up the hallway, up the flight of stairs and down the longest winding hall to the room......yes the room that we as students are critiqued and made a lesson of (basically)...welcome to every nursing students worst nightmare, a place called "THE SPHERE" this room sits a robot who is made to simulate a patient in a hospital setting. It is quite possibly the most freaky robot any person would ever see, sort of an ugly bugger. It just stares at you with these huge bug eyes, the mouth dropped open and it just blinks. Constantly blinks at you and it's voice sounds soothing and calm.(the only good thing in this situation). It cannot move its arms or legs, it just lays there with this blank expression on its face.

Anyways today was day one of my tedious task of keeping this robot alive and using my super awesome nursing skills to care for it. Let's just say you are thrown into a room with a few of your peers while the instructors hide behind a wall of two way glass, we can't see them but we know they are there. OOooooh how much I hate this the way the instructors control this robot, they can make it easy, or they can make it difficult. Today was just an example of this. It was so busy. It felt like we were in there for maybe fifteen minutes but by the time we were done it had been nearly 50 minutes....time flies when your in this room.

My experiences there in the past have never been good, in fact have led to me being in tears thinking I am incompetent and dumb. I know this feeling is shared by my fellow peers. So anyways the day dragged on and the patient needless to say survived what we had to do and successfully did not die on us.....THE ROBOT LIVED!!! I guess maybe I might make a good nurse after all. Anyways as soon as our scenario is over we are rushed back to the tiny holding cell.....I mean conference room.....where are we put on pedastals and made examples of, that is quite possibly the most gut wrenching experience but when someone says something positive about you, it makes it worth it least we learn by example and don't screw up in the real is a safe and nurturing learning environment.

Anyways back there again tomorrow, should be interesting. We'll see, maybe tomorrow won't be as scary as today was.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

back again

So it seems my quest to un-neglect my blog did not work. Things have been incredibly busy lately. I also attempted to boycott facebook but that would be like going without water...did not work!
So I finished my pediatric rotation and what a difficult rotation that was. It was just hard because the patients are so little and they're really sick too. What I liked about them was that they don't talk back to you like older patients do. And through sickness they seem to grin and bare it where as an adult cries and whines constantly to ease the pain. Children cannot express pain as adults do but seriously some adults do milk the system I think.
It was an uneventful three days, it is Tuesday and I am on my weekend because they scheduled our clinical over the weekend. Nursing school is pure torture I think because they are free to deteremine whatever schedule works best for them and not for the students who have lives and families outside of school. They just like to put us through the most stress one person can aquire.
Other than that me and my partner are doing a presentation on thursday for class on fetal alcohol syndrome. It is a very interesting topic I think. So it seems like we are just running and busy and going constantly.
Once we graduate we are graced with one week off before we start our community rotation and our preceptorship rotation which then ends us being completely done by the end of July. It should be interesting, only four more months to go.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Neglected blog

I think my blog has been neglected, facebook is absorbing to the point that I have been MIA for a few days from it and able to cope but my poor blog is facing more neglect than facebook ever has. I just find facebook tiring lately and I really don't talk to all 200 of my friends on there. So I wonder what is facebook really for then?
I just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about my blog....but I have a midterm tomorrow so I have to study, so ultimately my blog has to be neglected for one more day.