Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Flip Flops and the Rain.

I wear flip flops, I pretend that it is summer out...caught up? ok let's continue on. Flip flops as you know have no traction whatsoever, which is why they are meant for summer. They are meant as casual wear. I hate socks, which is why i wear flip flops whenever I can...unless there is snow, no flip flops then.
But today i choose to wear the flip flops. On the best of days I slip and slide around in them. I am kind of clumsy sometimes, tripping over my own feet. But I knew my flip flops were slippery with this rain, so I was being overly cautious. I climbed into my truck just fine and had no problems with slippery flip flops. I ran some errands and then came home, got my gripping on the driveway after i got out of my truck, took two steps to shut the door and the next thing i knew I had slipped because of my flip flops and landed on the driveway.
So the above photo is of the bruise it left behind post hurts, it's tender to the touch...but I bet you I will still be wearing flip flops tomorrow even if it rains because i love them and they are so much better than socks and shoes. If i wear my shoes without socks my feet smell too much so I would much rather wear flip flops and allow my feet to air out.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Time for an subject? Hutterites.
I like to take my five year old to the park in summer. Today was no exception to that rule. It was beautiful outside....the sun was shining, there was no wind. It was just a beautiful gorgeous day outside. So I figured since we hadn't frequented the "big park" lately that we would head there today. I didn't that on a monday it would be busy, seeing as parents have kids in school and this is post lunch, so the younger ones should be shouldn't have been busy. Boy was I wrong. It turned out to be an interesting sight. A scool from a hutterite colony was enjoying the ammenities of the park. Kids in polka-dots running around wildly from one thing to the next...they were everywhere!! It was one big sea of polka-dots and boys in dark pants and suspenders. The teacher announced that there was only ten minutes left until the bus was to leave, so I figured we could deal with this for ten more minutes, then the park would be empty i took it upon myself to stealthly photograph some pictures of some of the kids.
Group shot! They gathered all the hutterite kids onto the bridge between the two play structures and began to snap away picture after picture of all the kids gathered together....Now I was ready for them to leave post-picture but this brought to mind something else...Photography and hutterites.
Alberta hutterites had been sharing driver licenses. This was a big debate in newspapers and in the court system as well because of the sharing of driver licenses and them being photoless. Their beliefs are based on the fact that images are prohibited by the second commandment. In may 2007, the alberta court of appeal ruled that photographs violate their religious rights and that driving is essential for them. So they believed that having photographs on drivers licenses violated religious beliefs...doesn't gathering school children for pictures do the same? But in July of 2009 it was made mandatory that hutterite colonies must abide by provincial regulations and rules for photos on drivers licenses...So I am still left to debate as to whether or not hutterites believe it is alright to take a picture or if it isn't.... I mean in this case it must be alright because they gathered the school children for a group photograph. Just an interesting debate...
So after the hutterites left, the park was empty for about two minutes until two busloads pulled up full of......No it wasn't more hutterite school children....haha