First let me introduce you to my travel companion, her name is Hula Hannah. She is a minature hula girl that I found searching through one of the many bargain places across the way from my hotel. The minute I found her I knew that we would have many great adventures on the island together.

Hula Hannah has unfortunately made herself very comfortable at the hotel that I am staying at. She is a bed hog, she likes her space and likes to be tucked in at night. She never stops playing her ukelele either. There is always a noise coming from her direction....even when I am attempting sleep at night....it is starting to get old and annoying.

In the morning she likes to be out on the balcony to just sit and collect her thoughts with the wonderful view of the ocean from our hotel balcony. During this time she likes to sit and be undisturbed and play her ukelele...so I usually leave her outside for a period of time in the morning while I get ready for my day.

Hula Hannah likes to eat a large breakfast. She likes her pancakes with her hashbrown and as well the orange juice which tastes a bit like something that you find expired in the back of your refrigerator....yes the OJ is nasty. But Hula Hannah is also a huge fan of pineapple. She won't let me take a picture of her eating pineapple, but I will see if I can sneak a picture of her on a different occassion.

After breakfast we took a stroll near the shops and she found these lovely water falls with a mosaic backdrop and giant carp fish. She took photo op's and played her ukelele for money, unfortunately nobody gave her any money for her songs. I guess she really isn't that great of a ukelele player...but don't tell Hula Hannah that.

Hula Hannah wanted me to put a flower behind her ear....as all the islanders and tourists wear a hibiscus flower behind their ears. So we took a moment and took a photo of her with her new flower. It did get to heavy for her to carry, so we left it for someone else to wear.

Later on in the day, we ended up meeting with Hula Hannah's hula friend and they danced the night away and she continued to play her ukelele.
To be continued...Tune in next time for the adventure with Hula Hannah at the beach.