The anatomy of the pogo stick....actually that is not what this post is about....yes bloggers I am back and sooo ready for summer. I couldn't find a decent picture of a hula hoop which is really what I wanted to post about, so the pogo stick will have to do.
I am finally done my exams and it is time for summer. I had six exams and soo much stress that finally I can just relax and enjoy my time away from my huge nursing text-books. They are all going to get piled into a corner somewhere to be forgotten about until September when I may or may not need them again. I don't get my grades back until May, so we'll see. So far across the boards I have a good grade point average....we'll see if it continues.
My summer should be pretty non-eventful or so I hope. I do plan on having some fun and enjoying my time instead of slaving away my life for the needs of everyone else around me. I am going to take time for me and my kids and actually enjoy my summer for a change.
I guess you could say after having had a few "Rough" weeks, I deserve some sort of vacation or time off to enjoy life for a change instead of worrying about what is going on.
So aside from that I haven't got much to say right now. I am tired and I have discovered the new t.v. show "Thank God your here"....it's amusing really and quite funny at some points during the show.
So until next time, don't eat sand.